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Film had a major impact on the lives of those in Columbia in 1919, and for future generations. It was a fad around Columbia in 1919 for girls to “treat” soldiers, often to movies ("A Lament"). These forward gestures offered by these confident…

From 1904 through 1920 the population increased in Columbia, S.C. from 21,108 to 37,524 and shifted from outlining farm area’s to city living (Moore 277). With the positive direction of industry, incomes increased, disposable funds increased and…

Black and white photographic negative; Copy of photograph by Walter Blanchard. Follow this link to view the full image on the Richland Library site.

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The content of theater and films of the early twentieth century misrepresented a large proportion of Columbia’s population, especially women and minorities, as well as indoctrinating the entire theatergoing population into norms that keep these…

To begin exploring this resource, consider the business department listing for theatres. (Note: the listing begins on the preceding page). Use the navigation at right to browse other directory departments.

The development of film culture in Columbia from 1904 to 1919 witnessed an increasing interest in film as something different from live performances. Once a novelty overshadowed by forms of entertainment like minstrel shows and plays, films rose to…

When films first started being shown to the public in the early 20th century, the way people thought about the movies was very different from today. At first, the newspapers seemed to regard them as barely noteworthy, relegating news about them to…

Between 1910 and 1919 there was a distinct and measurable change from monstrative attractions to more familiar types of narrative-driven films in Columbia. Monstrative films told simple, often well known fictions and documented or recreated current…

During the 1910s, films as a source of entertainment became more prevalent. Gone were the days of having sideshow films at carnivals or accompanying a minstrel performance. The film industry had strayed from the montage stylings of newsreels and…
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