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To begin exploring this resource, consider the business department listing for theatres. (Note: the listing begins on the preceding page). Use the navigation at right to browse other directory departments.

To begin exploring this resource, consider the business department listing for theatres. Use the navigation at right to browse other directory departments.

Selected listings for Main and Washington Streets.

To begin exploring this resource, look at the street department listing for Assembly and for Main as well as the business department listings for theatres.

To begin exploring this resource, look at the street department listing for Main Street and the business department listing for theatres.

Located at 1010-12 Washington.


Located at 1228 Main.


Located at 1438 Main St.


Film had a major impact on the lives of those in Columbia in 1919, and for future generations. It was a fad around Columbia in 1919 for girls to “treat” soldiers, often to movies ("A Lament"). These forward gestures offered by these confident…

From 1904 through 1920 the population increased in Columbia, S.C. from 21,108 to 37,524 and shifted from outlining farm area’s to city living (Moore 277). With the positive direction of industry, incomes increased, disposable funds increased and…
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