Note on the Rise of the Starlet

Dublin Core


Note on the Rise of the Starlet


A critical review of Columbia newspapers and city directory materials dated from 1904 to 1922 brings to light the development of stardom, especially among actresses. At the turn of twentieth century, there was only one theater in downtown Columbia (Walsh's City Directory 1905). The lack of attention given to its shows in the local press further proves that the general public took little interest in motion pictures and those in their starring roles. As the years passed, more and more space in the newspapers was devoted to the latest releases and, in particular, their lead actresses. For example, early in 1912, Miss Martha Russell, an up-and-coming actress of the day, made a personal appearance at Columbia’s Grand Theatre to promote her new film (“Moving Picture Expert”). The audience was likely thrilled to see her in person and hear about her experiences as a rising starlet. This trend continued throughout the decade, culminating in an insightful example of the excitement over Marguerite Clark’s film being shown at the Ideal Theatre (“Marguerite Clark”). Her picture is printed twice throughout that section of The State, and she is given as much ink in the write-up as the movie itself. From the subject matter of films themselves to the way they are advertised in the paper, this time period of just over fifteen years watched as starlets claimed the hearts and captured the attention of the early twentieth century Columbia residents.

Works Cited

"Marguerite Clark at Ideal Theater." The State 19 Oct. 1919, Sun. morning ed.: 28-29. Columbia Screens. Web. 3 Feb. 2017

“Moving Picture Expert,” The State 5 Feb. 1912, Mon. morning ed.: 2. Columbia Screens. Web. 3 Feb. 2017

Walsh's Columbia South Carolina City Directory for 1905. Charleston, S.C.: W. H. Walsh Directory Company, 1905. Columbia Screens. Web. 6 Feb 2017.


Nicole Hoffner


University of South Carolina






Nicole Hoffner, “Note on the Rise of the Starlet,” Columbia Screens, accessed May 6, 2024,