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A critical review of Columbia newspapers and city directory materials dated from 1904 to 1922 brings to light the development of stardom, especially among actresses. At the turn of twentieth century, there was only one theater in downtown Columbia…

The content of theater and films of the early twentieth century misrepresented a large proportion of Columbia’s population, especially women and minorities, as well as indoctrinating the entire theatergoing population into norms that keep these…

As the "Note on Black Theaters” suggests, fire insurance maps can indeed illuminate the vastly different experiences of Black and white moviegoers in Columbia during the early 1900’s. “Colored” businesses such as theaters were indicated with…

Advertisements for shows in newspapers from 1913 and 1914 indicate that movie tickets were relatively cheap and that pricing changed by showtime, reflecting greater demand in the evening hours. The existence of lower prices throughout the day and…
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