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Front cover of Palmetto Variety showing open door policy from Superintendent Hall

Selected pages from issue of the Palmetto Variety features an image of the Benet Auditorium in use in a performance for patients.

Selected pages from an issue of the Palmetto Variety includes an image of art in library.

Selected pages from the Palmetto Variety includes a patient's note about new library.

Cover of issue of the Palmetto Variety. Includes image of intern meeting in Horger Library.

Selected pages from issue of the Palmetto Variety. Includes article on dedication of Benet Auditorium/Horger Library

Selected pages from first issue of the Palmetto Variety, a patient-run newsletter of the State Hospital. Includes note from Superintendent Hall, information about recreational and occupational therapy and library services departments.

Photographs from dedication published in The Columbia Record, including image of the exterior of the building, former Gov. James Byrnes inside the library holding a book, the families of Benet and Horger inside the library, and a large crowd viewing…

Article about the dedication ceremony for the Benet Auditorium and Horger Library on the State Hospital campus. Inclues image of the four principles of the different hosptal department, including William S. Hall.

Map of grounds with building footprints.
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